Click Here to Read Bishop LeMarquand's Letter to His Fellow Anglicans.
Quote From The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
the Book The Eternal Galilean
you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get
along with the world. Look for the Church that is hated by the world,
as Christ was hated by the world. Look for the Church which is
accused of being behind the times, as Our Lord was accused of being
ignorant and never having learned. Look for the Church which men
sneer at as socially inferior, as they sneered at Our Lord because He
came from Nazareth. Look for the Church which is being accused of
having a devil, as Our Lord was accused of being possessed by
Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils. Look for the Church which, in
seasons of bigotry, men say must be destroyed in the name of God, as
men crucified Christ and thought they had done a service to God. Look
for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is
infallible, as Pilate rejected Christ because He called Himself the
Truth. Look for the Church which is rejected by the world as Our Lord
was rejected by men. Look for the Church which amid the confusion of
conflicting opinions, its members love as they love Christ, and
respect its Voice as the very voice of its Founder, and the suspicion
will grow, that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the
world, then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly, it is
other-worldly. Since it is other-worldly it is infinitely loved and
infinitely hated as was Christ Himself. But only that which is Divine
can be infinitely hated and infinitely loved. Therefore, the Church
is Divine. Therefore it is the life of Christ among men! Therefore we
love it! Therefore we hope to die in its Blessed Embrace!